Name Naliha al-Rihad
Date of Birth 16th of Sun's Dawn 2E 567
Race Redguard
Gender Female
Birthplace Relatwah


Eyes Hazel with dark brown spots and golden freckles
Hair Dark brown
Skin Tone Tanned
Height 1m70

Naliha is build athletic, but maintains her female curves.

She has soft facial features and dark striking eyebrows. Her dark long hair often looks untamable. When Naliha laughs, she laughs with her whole face.

Naliha loves wearing fancy dresses and often wears a lot of gold coloured jewelry and gemstones. Her clothes often seem to fare from Hammerfell and her dresses ofter are fancy kaftans.


Personality type: INFP-A

I want to help people who can not help themselves.
I'd like to believe in people. I always say: if you threat someone like a criminal, he will act like a criminal. Even if he is not a criminal.
I can be very curious and adventurous and I like to help people.
It's said that I can be somewhat naïve and gullible. I just like to believe in the good of a person.
When doing something wrong, I can feel guilty for quite some time.


Good people
Anything fancy: clothes, jewelry, stones, etc.
New things: meeting new people, trying new foods or learning about new cultures


Magic ("You might say I fear it, but I won't.")
Bad people

Mental trauma

When she was 6 years old, Naliha accidentally escaped the watchful eyes of her brother. She went into the pool and almost drowned. Her father was able to heal her, but the event had left her with a trauma for water. So much so, that her parents brought her to a wisewoman in the desert. She was able to lock the trauma away and mask it by a superficial trauma: magic.
Naliha herself has no recollection of this event at all. It does however explain her unexplainable fear for magic and the protective environment she further grew up in.


Hello! I am Naliha. I was born in the kingdom of Rihad, South of Hammerfell. My father is the count of Relathwah, a county bordering the Gold Coast and Colovia. I have 3 mothers and 12 siblings and we all lived in this beautiful palace.

When I was 18, my father arranged my marriage with Majdaz at-Hareem, the Count of Taneth. I did however not want to marry yet and 3 days before the actual wedding, I ran. Only to end up in Stonegarden in Everglade, where my oldest brother, Rellus, was. There I experienced life outside Relathwah for the first time. I made a lot of new friends. My best friend became Shaydis. I lived with her, Nancy, Elkwell and the Matron in this really cute cozy place and I got a job in a tavern where I would perform as dancer. It really was a new experience. Then I got to know the Lady of the lands, Lady Jesophora Renthorn and we became friends. She offered me a job as the new teacher for her daughter. I think I could see some relief of my brothers face when I got the new job.

Meanwhile, my brother had arranged someone for me to train me in my swordmanship and to be my bodyguard, Orrisan. It was nice to have someone of my own people around. He was however very different . Orrisan became a mentor and friend, but eventually, we parted ways when I left for Blackfort.

Lady Jesophora and I grew closer and when Lord and Lady Renthorn became the new Count and Countess of Everglade, I moved with them to Calaine to live at court. The Courts in High Rock are very different from Hammerfell. As was the city. Through events, I got to know a small homeless boy who I took in for some time when his guardian was away. I got to know about the poverty in the lower city and the criminality that came with it. I couldn't just watch and with the approval of the Countess and the treasurer, Lady Katriane Greywolf, I started up a project in which the orphanage would be renewed and would work together with the cities craftsmen to get the children off the streets and teach them a craft. The craftsmen who would take in students, would be compensated in taxes. It took some time, but eventually, the project took off the ground.
After this, my purpose seemed to take me elswhere and I left Calaine for Blackfort, to live with Lady Katriane, with who I had become good friends.

My brother had come to Blackfort aswell and he had brought the Order of the Silver Serpent with him. The Order that served my family for generations. In Blackfort I found my new purpose, I would follow in my brothers footsteps into the Order of the Silver Serpent.


Known languages
Tamriellic | Yoku | Cyrodiilic | Dwemeris

My education was one of a noble lady in Hammerfell. I was thought manners and etiquette (even though I often tried to skip those lessons). I was taught to read and write and with that came several languages.
My education also included the preparation of some day marrying someone of high standing. This included mathematics, finances and the ins and outs of running a household. I was also taught the basics of first aid.
History, philosophy, literature and politics was also part of my education, but during those lessons, I often got distracted.
With my many younger siblings, I was taught a lot about children.

Ofcourse I was taught horse riding and swordsmanship. I was supposed to learn archery aswell, but out of safety reasons (for others), it was decided I should skip those lessons.

The dance lessons were my favorite lessons. I was mainly taught the dances danced within Hammerfell.

Last but not least, I was taught to play the pungi and snake charming by my uncle.


I have 3 mothers, one father and 12 siblings.
My oldest brother is Rellus. The younger sister after me is Myriam. We are only 2 years apart. One of my younger brothers is Rashid. When I left, he just joined the Order of the Silver Serpent. My youngest sister is Hadiha. She is only a baby.
My fathers name is Relakhbar and my birthmothers name is Aisha.


My family are Forebears and we worship the Divines. However, there are still some ancient Gods we still keep close to us.
My favorite God is Satakal. Not only because he is a snake, but because he devours worlds and makes new worlds out of that. Which means we are all part of each other. It is also calming to know that there is an end to everything, but that it means the beginning of something new.

I think the Gods are not to be worshiped for an extension of their powers, but as inspiration in our life lessons.